
Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10th

Hi it’s Christina –

Good Morning! Sorry there was no blog yesterday, but I am happy to report, my computer is working this morning, so the coffee did not cause any permanent damage. PHEW!! I will be researching different back-up options tomorrow – cloud, drop box, whatever. I‘m clueless, but I’ll figure it out. There has got to be something out there that’s idiot proof (aka: Me), I just need to do a little research.

Author's Row in front of
Canterbury Tales Forever
What a GLORIOUS day we had yesterday for the book signing at Peddler’s Village, although the tops of my feet got a tiny bit sunburned – I’ll have to put a little extra sun screen on them today. The Peach Festival drew a good sized crowd, which was a beautiful thing. Traffic through “Author’s Row”, as we dubbed it, was pretty constant the whole time we were there.

Sam & Monty
My old buddy, Samuel Knight, was there again yesterday. Remember, he’s the author of Monty, that wonderful Christmas book about a basset hound and the little girl who loved him that I keep raving about? Sam did amazing as usual. I think he sold five books to everyone Karen and I sold. He such a bundle of energy and good will, you can’t help but smile while you’re around him.

Karen is Karen Hluchan, a spirit medium and author of "How Have You Loved?" - an amazing book about getting the most out of your life while you are here, mediumship, and recognizing the signs from your love ones who have passed. We hit it off instantly. What a sweet and funny lady. She had a constant crowd around her table as well, partly because she was having a drawing for a free thirty minute reading, but mostly because she is such an engaging person. I lost track of how many hugs she gave out yesterday.

Karen Hluchan
Knowing both Karen and Sam are going to be there again today, I’m really looking forward to going – more so than usual. I love doing these book signings at Canterbury Tales Forever, but when I know I’m going to be there with other authors I work well with and are a joy to be around, it makes for an exciting day.

It so nice because we don’t compete with each other for sales, we actually guide folks to each other’s tables. If one of us has to step away for a moment, the others jump in and pitch each other’s books for them. It works the same way when I do these signings with Keith and Linda. It does fluster some authors at first though when they don’t expect to actually get support from the rest of us instead of us trying to steal their sale.

It’s sad everyone doesn’t realize that a) there are plenty of customers to go around because; b) everyone doesn’t have the same reading preferences; and c) if they (the customers) see us all getting along and supporting each other, it creates a nicer environment, they feel less pressured, and they are more likely to engage in conversation and ultimately purchase a book. Think about it, would you walk over to a bunch of crazy authors yelling “buy my book “no, buy my book it’s better” or would you avert your eyes, quickly walk past, and act like you didn’t hear them? As far as I’m concerned, it’s a no brainer, and not even from the sales point, from the common courtesy point.
Come and visit us. It will be a
fund day for the whole family.

Well, all three of us are going to be there again today from 11:00 – 3:00, so if you happen to be in the area, please stop by. By the way, if you already have copies of my books, and you want to have them signed, please bring them with you, and I will be happy to sign them.

Okay, I have a few things I need to get done before I have to get ready to go, so I should get a move on. I hope you have a blessed day, and happy writing!

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