
Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2nd Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina –

Good Morning! So, did you remember to move your clocks back an hour? Daylight savings time ended this morning in North America. Hopefully you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep.

I am going to freeze my bippy off today at the book signing. I saw a couple of little flurries when I went and took Colby out this morning! If I apply Baba’s rule – look back at last year’s blog in late October if you don’t remember – then we should only see snow nine times this year. That’s a heck of a lot better than the 30+ prediction (and confirmation) from last year.
Since it’s not raining, the Apple Festival at Peddler’s Village is on. For some reason, Wayne, the owner of Canterbury Tales, posted that we would be there at ten today. We usually don’t start until eleven on Sundays. I guess he wanted to make up for yesterday being a total washout.

I know Karen Hluchan, How Have You Loved?, and Samuel Knight, Monty A Christmas Tale, will be there today. Also, another author, who I met at Collingswood and gave her Wayne’s contact information, will be there. Wayne wasn’t sure what her name was, but he did remember she wrote children’s stories. Unfortunately, that narrows it down to two possibilities, and I don’t want to tell you the wrong author.

What I do know is she will be doing readings from her books. Karen will also be doing readings, but readings of a different kind. (Remember, she’s a spirit medium.) They should both draw a good sized crowd up to the tent on the hill behind our tables.

We received an
autographed copy
After the signing today, Sam, Karen and I have a dinner date which I am excited about. It will be nice to just sit and chat, uninterrupted. We have a great time when we are together at the signings, and this dinner will get a chance to know each other better.

View from the "cheap seats"
Last night’s gala was very nice. Gary Shteyngart started the evening with a chat and readings excerpts from his books. He was so funny, and so engaging. He really did a wonderful job. He finished with a Q & A session. Since I was sitting in the “cheap seats” – a.k.a. we got there right on time, the lecture hall was fairly packed, so we had to sit in the balcony – he didn’t see when I raised my hand for a question. However, I did bump into him while we were exiting the building, and I was able to ask.

Paulie & Me
The auction went very well. Only two or three silent auction items were not bid on, and one live auction item – a week in the Catskills, was not bid on. However, there was one item, a birthday party sleepover in the library for ten kids, which caused a bidding war, and then a tiny dispute when the auctioneer did not see a raised paddle for a higher bid. After a brief huddle and review, the library’s director awarded all three bidding parties the prize.

Paulie, Me, Victoria, Carl & Fran
That means, instead of one party for 10 children for $1,300, they auctioned three parties for 10 children at $1,300 apiece. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is wonderful the library made out so well on this item, and I think it was really classy for the director to expand the item so none of the bidders were disappointed, but I’m sorry, I can’t get my brain around paying $130 per child for a birthday party. That’s insane! Lys’ sweet 16 only cost a little more than that, and we had around 75 guests (roughly $20 per guest).

Victoria & Robert
I met a wonderful woman, Victoria, and her husband, Robert, last night as well. Victoria and I got into a little mischief last night. She was bidding on the "Mayor for the Day" prize, and she thought she had it, then someone out bid her, so right as they were picking up the sheets, we snuck over and one upped the bid. (Then we were naughty and stayed there until the sheet was picked up.) We thought we were in the clear, but then when the winners were posted, Victoria's number wasn't on the board. The other bidder got the sheet back from the person who had collected them, and outbid Victoria again. It's what we get for counting our chickens before they hatched. Lol.

Yikes, I just noticed the time. I’ve got to boogie. It’s going to take me a little longer to get all the layers on.

I hope you have a fabulous day, and happy writing!

Your Next Challenge:

If these ivy covered walls could talk…

You have ten minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count, and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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