NaNo Books in Progress

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 3 Challenge - April 20, 2013

Happy Saturday Morning! It’s Christina.

I think I have temporarily figured out a way around the technological problem. Until I can get this blog running the way it should, I am also posting the challenge questions on my Facebook page. It’s not ideal, but it’s a bandage. I can’t wait to get the bugs out though because I’m excited to see what y’all have written.
So how did you do with yesterday’s challenge?
I am from another world and unfortunately I cannot see color. Please describe RED, BLUE and YELLOW to me.

Here’s my reply:
A world without color, how sad
I could not even imagine, but I shall try my hand
Red is a rage you feel
Red is the heat of the sun to help you heal
Red is a warm towel from the dryer
Red is the anguish at a funeral pyre
Blue is the snowflakes on your tongue you catch
Blue is a high soaring bird you cannot reach
Blue is cool water on a hot summer day
Blue is the sorrow you feel when a loved one goes away
Yellow is comfortable, serene and calm
Yellow can be a healing balm
Yellow is meadow flowers dancing in the wind
Yellow is a memory you pull from within
Colors can hold more meaning than just sight, it’s true
Because you cannot experience them, I truly feel sorry for you.

Where the heck did a poem come from? Not usually my area, but there it be. So onto the day 3 challenge.

You wake up one morning to find you have turned into a (insert animal here).

Same rules - You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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