NaNo Books in Progress

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 4 Challenge - April 21, 2013

Hi it’s Christina –

What a glorious Sunday morning! A tiny bit chillier than I would hope for this time of year, but I’ll take it! Today is day 4 of the challenge and still no one has posted any writing attempts. Strange, because I know more than half the folks who are linked to the page are writers themselves. Whatever, this is a 2 week exercise and I plan to see it through.
Yesterday’s challenge and my response:
You wake up one morning to find you have turned into a (insert animal here).

Before I even open my eyes a sense of vertigo assails me and I think, oh no, not another headache coming on, but there is no pain, only this strange feeling. The scents of hay and barnyard are the next to register. Perhaps I left a window open and the wind is blowing just right. Reluctantly I open my eyes and gasp…or more accurately whinny. The sound startles me and I attempt to slap my hand over my mouth only to find my hand is no longer a hand, it’s a hoof. What in the name of all that’s Holy? My heart is pounding. It’s getting hard to breathe. I panic and bolt out the barn door. I race across a meadow and leap a fence. I brace myself for the landing, but it doesn’t come. There’s a burning between my shoulder blades and the air is getting thinner. I glance around and see the ground getting further and further away. I look sideways at powerful brown and white wings. A bird? I’m a hawk? I can’t be a bird, I’m afraid of birds! But, oh my God, I’m flying!  I soared across the fields, over the trees and to the sparkling ocean where something caught my eye. I dove after a particularly tasty looking fish, when, much to my surprise, splash.

Too many distractions around the house this morning, so the 10 minutes went by a lot quicker than usual. That’s what I get for sleeping in a little. Oh well, it is what it is. Ready for the day 4 challenge?

They are doing a modern day remake of “I Love Lucy”, but they want to keep it as light and innocent as the original. You are asked to come up with the story for one episode.
Same rules - You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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