NaNo Books in Progress

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 2 Challenge - April 19, 2013

Hi it’s Christina –

As I figured, no one is reading the blog yet, but it’s probably because I can’t figure out how to get the blog host linked to the actual blog. I keep getting an error message. I still hold out great hopes I will figure it out eventually. In the meantime, I will post responses to the challenge questions and post new questions in hopes someone someday will start responding.
Yesterday’s challenge:

You’re walking along the beach and you find a bottle with a message in it.

There are few things more cathartic than walking along the beach on a bright sunny winter’s day. The briny air assaults your nostrils, the biting wind your cheeks. The waves hold a more powerful fury, angry their majesty is only beheld by a few insane creatures brave enough to walk the shore at this time of year. During one of my solitary dawn walks, I was contemplating some of my trials and tribulations, bemoaning my less than perfect life, and seeking some emotional and spiritual balance when a ray of sun reflected a shiny object ahead of me, catching my wandering attention. I neared the object with admitted curiosity as to why I should notice this one piece of debris when, unfortunately, the beach was strewn with items from a recent storm. As I knelt and gently brushed away the sand with my fingers, the sound of the pounding waves receded and the mournful cry of the lonely gulls was silenced. A bottle, I had found a bottle; one of probably hundreds littering the shore, but this one was different. I could feel it even before I realized the bottle contained a note. I lifted it and sat down facing the water. My heart raced as I contemplated what the message would reveal. Was it very old? It looked to be, but that could just be the wear and tear of being battered by the ocean. Was the message from someone in need? From some kid looking for a pen pal? From just another troubled soul looking for a creative way to vent? The possibilities were endless.  The only way I would know was to open the bottle, but yet I hesitated. Did I fear I would feel foolish after opening it? Feel disappointed at what I would find? Feel overwhelmed with some stranger’s sorrows?  I seriously contemplated returning the bottle to where I found it, letting it be someone else’s responsibility or foolishness.

Don’t be mad, ten minutes is shorter than you think and this is just supposed to be a writing exercise and not entire stories. OK, today’s challenge is:

I am from another world and unfortunately I cannot see color. Please describe RED, BLUE and YELLOW to me.

Same rules - You have 10 minutes (I’m trusting you to be honest here). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.


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