NaNo Books in Progress

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26th Challenge

Hi it’s Christina –

Good Morning! Sorry I have been M.I.A. for a few days, but I had to spend every spare second finishing the editing assignment. I am happy to say, as of eleven o’clock last night, I’m DONE!

It was a wonderful story, and I’m thrilled he wrote this sequel to his first book. All the loose ends left in the first one were tied up nicely. Maybe “loose ends” isn’t the best choice of words, because the first story did end well. Perhaps unresolved issues would have been a better way to say it. There was even one point, near the end of the story, which brought a tear to my eye – it was a truly moving scene. I can’t wait to see the book when all the edits are complete.

As soon as I’m allowed, I will tell you all about the book. I do feel really bad the editing took me so long, because now the author has an extremely small window to finish the edits before his deadline. Thankfully, he only has the last few chapters to revise, and from the notes I gave him with the first batch of edits I sent, he very well have already fixed some of the issues, even without my final edits. Regardless, he still has a few grueling days ahead of him to meet deadline.

On the home front, Dani and her dog-sitting assignment are going well, Lys began training for her new job, and PJ finally sold his motorcycle! It has been a hectic few days around here. Lys has been dropping me off, and picking me up, from work so she could have the car to do whatever running around she needed to do, and to get Dani to her dog-sitting gig. She’s also has had to bring my nephew to work because my sister in law is working, my brother in law is away on a business trip, and my in-laws are on a mini vacation in AC.

Then, when I come home from work, I have to drive Lys to her training, and then pick her up when it’s over. She was supposed to be finished the first night at nine, but she didn’t get out until after nine-thirty, and then last night, she was half an hour late getting out again. By now you know, I’m not a night owl. Nine, ten o’clock at night, I want to be home, not waiting in my car for an extra half hour because the director is chatty and can’t tell time. Whatever, I can suck it up for the next few days, then starting Monday, Lys will be riding the bus to and from work, so it will no longer be my issue.

For the next few days, I’m going to take it easy. The only writing I’ll be doing is this blog. I figure it’s best I recharge, because in less than five days, Camp NaNoWriMo starts, and I’m going to need all the energy I can store to get through it.

On Monday, the sale started for my Kindle books. Now through June 30th, all three of my books are on sale for only $0.99. As luck would have it, Amazon featured A Second Chance as their “Deal of the Day”, so the promotion got some free advertising. Yeah! I’ve sold twenty-six books during the first three days of the sale, and my overall ranking on Amazon has jumped considerably, so I’m happy with that. I’ve also had an increase in my number of books borrowed, which I think is kinda cool.

Here’s a rare sales pitch. The books are less than a buck. If you haven’t read them, and you need something to read while you’re sitting by the pool or at the beach, why don’t you grab a copy now? The price won’t be this low again until right before Christmas. Okay, I’m done.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and happy writing!

Your Last Challenge was:

You are a tasty treat in a bakery display.

No don’t look over there. Those are cupcakes. Anyone can make cupcakes. They’re nothing special. Come down this way. Look over here. 

Cookies? You’re looking at cookies? You have got to be kidding me. Why would you even pause at the cookies when I’m over here, flaunting my light flaky layers and luscious hazelnut whipped filling? Have you no taste for decadence? Is your palate so uneducated you cannot appreciate epicurean ecstasy? Peasant, why am I even expending my energies on you? The effort is making my chocolate curls unravel.

Oh, what’s this? You’ve decided to grace us with your presence? Should I be honored? 

How dare you look at me with such indifference? Is that disdain I see? An éclair? You chose an éclair over me? Just as I suspected, neophyte. Well, enjoy your mediocre treat, I shall bestow my gastronomic pleasures upon more discerning taste buds.

Your Next Challenge is (from Tuesday’s writing group):

The happiest corpse I’ve ever seen.

You have ten minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count, and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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