NaNo Books in Progress

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18th Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina –

Good morning. First, I want to wish my beautiful Goddaughter / Niece Stephanie a very happy 18th birthday (sorry it’s a day late), and my nephew Tim a very happy 22nd birthday. Good grief! Where has the time gone?

I’m still having some issues with sitting. Yesterday, I brought my laptop to bed with me and wrote while lying down. It wasn’t wonderful, and I didn’t get as much accomplished as I would have if I had been writing in my normal location, but at least I finished another chapter.

I had had the brilliant idea the characters Kieren meets in GrĂ¡ should have Gaelic words as names which reflect either their character or their profession, so I looked up words I thought would be appropriate, and I swapped them out. Then a few hours later, I decided against the idea, and changed them back. The trick was, I had changed them in all three places - the full version of Faerie Tale Queen, the new chapters just for this Camp NaNo, and the running word count which includes my blog entries. I’m going to have to be extra diligent while editing, to make sure I got them all.

I was feeling so miserable yesterday, I never made it to the Seder Supper at church. The Seder Supper is one of my favorite functions at the church, and I hated missing it. So, some of the chicken I purchased to bring to the dinner but was in too much pain to cook, my hubby made for Dani and himself last night. I swiped a little piece, but that’s it. It’s amazing how good an appetite suppressant pain can be.

Over the next two days, I need to figure out how to clean the house, get the Easter baskets ready, write the letter from T.E.B. and hide his eggs, do laundry so my husband has something appropriate to wear on Sunday, go grocery shopping, cook the food I’m bringing to my aunt’s, and bake the dessert I’m bringing to my sister-in-law’s, all while having mobility issues. It’s going to be a long two days.

Oh well, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to sit here today, so I should get going on FTQ. I hope y’all have a wonderful day, and happy writing!

Your Last Challenge was:

“Doc Brown” bequeathed you his Delorean.

I can’t believe this. I can go back to any time in history, and get to experience it firsthand. How amazing would my books be if I could actually walk the same streets, at the same time, as my characters? No more endless hours of research to determine if a particular flower was blooming at that time of year, or if I would require a coat or simply a wrap if I were to go out. I could smell the same smells and taste the same food, then be able to, with complete confidence, relay the information to my readers.

To be able to accurately bring my readers, through my words, into the early 1800’s, would be priceless. I can get close now through all the research, but I’ve always wanted to be able to give them more, and now I can. Where to start, where to start? I know, since this one scene is giving me fits, and I’ve had to rewrite it several time already because it just didn’t feel right, it will be my first stop.

Oh boy, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. One last look at Doc’s check list. Okay, I have all the supplies and extra fuel he recommended. I’m taking a guess on the clothing, but I should be able to figure something out when I get there. The car’s ready. All that’s left is to plug in the date and location. Here goes. January 30, 1806, Istanbul, Turkey. Wish me luck…

Your Next Challenge is:

Write a story about Easter eggs…

You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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