NaNo Books in Progress

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13th Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina – 

Good morning. I hope this beautiful, albeit cold, day finds everyone well. Thankfully, yesterday’s early morning snow did not amount to anything.

As I do each morning, I reread my response to the previous day’s challenge. When I did so today, I realized my response only used two of the required three words. I did not meet the three word challenge. Many times, the ten minute allotment does not give me enough time to finish a story, but on these three word challenges I do try to fit the words into the story early on so the goal is met. I could fib and say the word “strange” would have come up when Nick and Krista discover the wine cellar, but to be honest, I read the prompt incorrectly and thought one of the words was “surprise”, not “strange”. It’s pretty sad when I can’t even remember my own challenges. LOL.

Faerie Tale Queen is moving along. The ideal target number for day thirteen is 21,666. I’m not sure if I will hit it, but I’ll get close. Kieren and Caleb – yeah, love his name, just not for this story, so y’all can chime in any time now with suggestions – have finally met. It was a somewhat awkward encounter, and Kieren’s thoughts had me chuckle. Her inner voice is rather feisty.

I was concerned as to being able to make the dialogue genuine. Not a believable conversation, I think I do well with that, but the Irishmen vs. New Yorker. Although we all speak English, some of the words we use mean different things. Silly things like remembering over here chips mean potato chips and over there they mean fries, and potato chips are crisps. Luckily, the internet has just about everything you are looking for, so I was able to compile a list from several sources. What I found most interesting was there are several words I, and many in my family, use quite frequently without realizing they weren’t really “American” expressions. I guess it’s my quarter Irish heritage showing through.

Time to make my daily 3,300 mile journey. Wish me God’s speed. I hope you have a glorious day, and happy writing!


Your Last Challenge:



A week’s worth of cleaning, shopping, preparing, cooking and stressing, but everything is finally done. After my husband carves the bird, we’ll call everyone to the table. I so love having the family all together.

I take a moment to double check my daughter’s table setting skills, to make sure each setting has a napkin and the forks and knives are in their proper place, when it hits me for the first time that there are so few settings at the table. There are only nine this year, a mere third of what once was.

Today is a day for giving thanks, yet I cannot help but feeling sad. Our older relatives are either too sick to attend or have passed away, friends elected to go on a cruise, even one of our children will be spending the holiday with the in-laws instead of with us.  We didn’t need to add any leaves to the table, and when the butcher asked if I wanted the usual, and I had to tell him no, we only needed a regular sized bird this year.

I begin to think about what future Thanksgivings will look like. Soon all of our children will be off with their own families, celebrating the holidays; too soon our parents will be gone, and our friends will have moved away. For over twenty-five years, Thanksgiving has been my holiday. The one time of the year when I got to feed all the people I loved, and it was slowly slipping away from my grasp. Would I be cooking for just my husband and myself? Would we be guests at someone else’s home?

My husband interrupts my melancholy. “Ready?” He asks as he places the platter of meat in the center of the table. I wipe away my tears and nod. Instead of fretting over what’s to come, I decide to be thankful for the day I have, and enjoy my loved ones while I still have them.


Your Next Challenge is:


You are walking down an alley and you come to an unusual dead end. There are several recognizable portals in front of you – Alice’s Rabbit Hole, A Wardrobe, The Entrance to 221B Baker Street, Boo’s Door, Maxwell Smart’s Phone Booth, Dumbledore’s Spiral Staircase, (insert one I didn’t think of). You turn around to go back, but you find your way blocked. Your only option is to choose.

You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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