NaNo Books in Progress

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6th

Hi, it’s Christina – 

It is Sunday, October 6, 2013 and it is going to be a tough day for my kids and for a bunch of other folks I care a lot about. One year ago today, my son’s best friend Bobby was killed in a motorcycle accident. I still have problems getting my brain around it, let alone the fact an entire year has passed since that horrible day. The blood curdling scream coming from my son’s room when he found out, still echoes in my ears. Then the scramble to get him on the next flight to Florida and the overwhelming emotions; pretty much every moment of that morning is still etched into my mind.

My daughter called from school yesterday and I could hear the tears in her voice. I asked her what was wrong and she said she had just finished her writing assignment for rhetoric. I’ll admit, I was a little confused until she told me the subject matter. They were to write about their biggest fear. For my daughter, it was to lose her brother like Amy (Bobby’s sister) lost Bobby. In an effort to reassure her, I reminded her that her brother has not driven his motorcycle since Bobby’s funeral, and as far as I knew, he had no intention of ever riding again. Then she reminded me a motorcycle accident wasn’t the only way she could lose her brother.

In that one statement, she tapped into my biggest fear; the fear of losing one of my children. I believe it truly is every parent’s worst nightmare, and I pray I never have to experience it.

Sorry folks, there isn’t going to be a writing challenge today. I can’t get into the mood. We will start over again tomorrow.

Bobby – you are in our thoughts and prayers, more so today. You are loved and missed by many, but I know you are still around them acting as a guardian angel. This photo’s for you!

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