NaNo Books in Progress

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12th Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina – 

OK, today’s weather makes up for yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful out there!

I have a bunch of things I’d like to get done today, and for once I actually have some energy to do them. I am not going to make a list though, because I want to get done what I get done and not be disappointed if I don’t accomplish all I set out to do. This way, it is what it is, and that will be good enough.

So in an effort to get this ball rolling, today’s blog will be short and sweet. I hope you have a wonderful day and happy writing!


Your Last Challenge was:

The pain was blinding…


Pain. Unbelievable pain. I’m talking, bring you to your knees pain, take your breath away pain, but I cannot understand why. It’s not like I’ve never done this before. I can’t even count how many times I have, but never, and I mean never with this type of result. God Lord, if this was the typical outcome, I would never do it again, that’s for sure.

Where did I go wrong? What happened this time to cause such blinding pain? I want to put my hands on my temples and just squeeze. I want to pull out my molars to relieve the pressure. I just want it to stop. Perhaps the military can adopt this as a torture device. I can see the headlines now “Public Enemy #1 Made to Confess. CIA’s New Secret Weapon Revealed. Criminal Brought To His Knees By A Brain Freeze.”


So, I’m feeling a little silly – shoot me. J

Your Next Challenge is:

It wasn’t easy. It took some time, quite a bit of effort, and even getting a little dirty, but I think I picked the perfect one…


You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.


  1. It wasn’t easy. It took some time, quite a bit of effort, and even getting a little dirty, but I think I picked the perfect one…

    Every year at this time I have a habit of rushing into it, but for once I’m not letting anything get in my way. My hands are sore rubbing over the surfaces. As long as I don’t get caught in the leaves and watch my step, I can be patient.

    Patience has always been my short suit. I describe myself as impulsive, impetuous and quick to jump to conclusions, so this is a real test of my willingness to recognize how to change. Funny, change always starts with the silliest things, don’t you agree? We wait for something really catastrophic to make the realization come to the forefront, but it is always the little things the drive home the point.

    So here I am crawling around in the dirt, microscopically examining the smallest details on the surface: roundness, smoothness and the distance between the segments. I knew it when I found it, heavy as it was.

    “I’ll take this one,” I said holding up the pumpkin. “How much?”

  2. Sorry Joanne, with the new Yahoo set up, I didn't see this post until just now. Funny, just like in the writing group, we wrote about the same topic without being directed to do so.
