NaNo Books in Progress

Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18th

Hi, it’s Christina –

Today would have been my grandmother’s 100th Birthday. She didn’t quite make it to 100, 95 and change to be exact, but we always talked about celebrating her 100th. So today we will be doing just that in her honor with a family brunch. I think she would have liked it.
My grandmother was an incredible woman. I learned so much from her and I miss her terribly. She showered my cousin and me with love, and she doted on my children. As far as she was concerned, the sun, moon and stars all rose and set with my son, the only boy on that side of the family. She loved that her first great-granddaughter inherited her love for baking, and she got a kick out of the fact that her youngest great-granddaughter looked so much like her. It is truly amazing that my children had their great-grandmother around long enough she will remain firmly in their memories as they were nine, thirteen and eighteen when she passed. I only have the vaguest of memories of one of my great-grandmothers who died when I was around three, and I wasn’t overly close to my other great-grandmother who I do remember well. I believe I was twelve when she died. (Like her son, my grandfather, she wasn’t exactly the warm, cuddly type.)
Anyway, today is dedicated to you Baba. We love you and miss you, but somehow we all know you haven’t really left us and will be part of today’s celebration. I will make sure to pour a mimosa just for you.
I’m too tired to tackle the writing challenge today, so you folks have a one day reprieve. We’ll do it tomorrow.

Hope you have a wonderful day and happy writing!

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