NaNo Books in Progress

Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16th Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina –

Sure enough, our last day of vacation looks like it is going to be a total wash-out. It’s grey, misty, windy and chilly. In general – YUCKY. What a downer. If you have a good last day for vacation, you leave with a good feeling. However, when you have a day like this, you remember things like your almost twelve hour drive to get here, the traffic, the water only really being nice one day, the problems with the house, etc.

The last time we came to the Outer Banks, I said I wouldn’t do it again. I should have stuck with what I said. I should have sucked it up, drove the extra two hours, and went to Myrtle Beach where we have always had fantastic vacations. It stings even more knowing this will probably be the last vacation we will be able to take for a few years because money is tight, so I really had my heart set on it being great.

The girls had said they wanted to go see the new Percy Jackson movie, so I guess, after we get the packing finished, they will get their chance. I may or may not go. When we got here, the house was really dirty and it set the tone for the week. I don’t want the next people’s vacation to start off on such a sour note, so I think I will take some extra care cleaning up the place, and the best time to do it would be when no one else was here.

After our long drive home tomorrow, we are going to have several jam-packed days ahead of us. Sunday the girls are going to Dorney Park with their aunt, and my husband and I are going to a brunch in celebration of what would have been my grandmother’s 100th Birthday. Sunday night we are going to dinner at my sister-in-law’s. Monday we have the eye doctor’s and various other running around to get all the last minute things for my daughter. Tuesday we need to get her packed up and clean the house for the party. Wednesday’s the party and then we leave on Thursday for Vermont. I guess being so busy is a good thing. I don’t have time to dwell on my daughter leaving. Maybe that’s why my son gave us virtually no warning as to his move date, so I wouldn’t have days or weeks to get sad over him leaving.

Just a reminder, there will be no writing challenge Saturday since I will be driving home all day. So, you have until Sunday to work on today’s challenge.

Hope you have a wonderful day and happy writing!

Your Last Challenge was:


As beautiful as it looks, it is really a sad sight. The hanging of the life preserver on the back of the “Thanks for visiting us. Come back soon.” sign on the day after Labor Day, is a custom in the town. A signal to all that the summer has come to an end. The lifeguards have gone home, it is time for us to go home too; back to school, back to work. Before long the days will become shorter and the air will become chillier. Soon we will be caught up in holiday preparations and, before we know it, another year will come to an end. Hot lazy days will merely be a faded memory. But, if by chance, during the cold dark months you happen to drive past, the life preserver on the back of the sign will still be there; a testament that the joy of summer will come again.


Really short today. I knew what I wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t flow. I guess my mood is matching the weather, and it’s hard to write when you’re feeling blah. I need to figure out a way to fix that, figure out a way to make rainy days ideal writing days. Think about it, it’s logical. Why should I stay cooped up inside writing on beautiful days? Whatever, I know it’s not going to happen. I’m wired weird. Logic plays absolutely no part in the equation of me.

Your Next Challenge is:


You’re stuck in the house on a rainy day.


You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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