NaNo Books in Progress

Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6th Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina –
Crazy short today folks, because I have to get some writing done before we leave for Connecticut. I’m bringing the girls to see a Hunter Hayes (country singer) concert. We are leaving around 11, so I wanted to get a few hours of writing done before I had to leave. That’s why it’s before 5:00 am and I’m blogging.
Off to camp, even before the sun rises…
Your Last Challenge was:
They could be twins…


So there I am, walking down the street of a local town, I pull up short and so does the person directly in front of me. We stop and stare at each other, both of us stunned and temporarily speechless. Same height, same weight and body structure, same eye color, not the same hair color but that was caused by a bottle not nature; it was like looking into a mirror.
When we actually started to talk, things got even more strange; Christine vs. Christina, April 1st vs October 1st - which was a HUGE relief, next town north vs next town south. We spent about ten minutes talking and were both pretty freaked out. That was the first and last time we ever spoke.
They do say, everyone has a twin.


(True story – out last names were even similar, hers spelled the English way, mine spelled the German way, but pronounced the same.)


Today’s challenge is going to be a photo. Look closely. What do you really see?


Your Next Challenge is:


You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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