NaNo Books in Progress

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31st Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina –

July 31st, and I made it through alive! Still doing the happy dance over here. Although I hit the 50K at five-fifteen yesterday, I still plan on writing all day today and then posting my numbers then. Corporate Blues is still not finished, so the more I do, the closer it will be to being complete, because after today, I’m going to be working exclusively on the piece for the other author. I want to have it back in her hands by Friday, Monday the latest.

My next three weeks are going to be so packed full of things that need to get done, I am going to need another vacation come September. My car needs to be registered and inspected, plus the maintenance light came on so it needs its oil changed too; the girls need to get their hair cut and eye doctor appointments; we have to arrange “play dates” with all the folks who want to see my daughter before she leaves for college, who can’t make it to her going away picnic on the 21st, which I also need to plan; we need to do a Costco run to get all the last mega supplies for college, Motrin, Lactaid, Cold Medicine, etc.; pack for vacation, leave at 3 am to go on vacation, come home and wash clothes from vacation, then repack and head to college; and there’s a concert today and another beach trip on Monday; and finally, both the car and the house need to be cleaned. Jimminies, I need a nap just from writing it all out!

Thank God I didn’t try to squeeze the book signing in there as well! With all that, there might not be daily writing challenges, but I will make every effort to get something up. This would be a REALLY great time for suggestions from the readers. I would welcome the help!

OK, I’ve got to get this show on the road. I need to pick up my niece at 8:30 to bring her to work because her mom has a doctor’s appointment. It’s funny, because tonight I have to pick up my nephew from work because my sister-in-law is running in twelve different directions at once as usual, and she can’t juggle enough to be able to get him by nine. I don’t know how she does all that she does. She has three very active kids, is a troop leader, heads up various committees, plus I’m sure several other things I don’t know about. If you look at her wall calendar, you cannot see an inch of free space. Every day has multiple things written on it. God bless her, I couldn't keep up the pace she does, that's for sure!

See, I get distracted by shiny objects easily. On to the challenges. Have a great day y’all!


Your Last Challenge was:


I don’t think I will ever get used to this. It’s not even nine o’clock and there isn’t a soul around. This is a town where they literally roll up their sidewalks at night. You would think I would see a pizza delivery guy or even someone else walking a dog like I am, but no. It will be just like every other night, like I’m walking through a ghost town.

I guess it is kind of nice, peaceful really. Gives me time to think and unwind at the end of the day. It’s just so strange though. There hasn’t been any real crime in this town in, well, forever. Believe me, I checked before moving here. The police blotter section in the local paper has stories like ‘The Emery’s cat got stuck in the drain pipe – Found cold and wet, but now home safe with his family’ or ‘Police intervened when an argument erupted after Tommy Griffin’s dog was caught relieving himself on Mr. Peterson’s prized petunias – Tommy was remorseful and offered to mow Mr. Peterson’s lawn as compensation’. And it’s not like I moved to an area where the average age is a hundred and two; sure there are some older folks, but there a people my age, young families, teenagers, little kids. If I was taking this walk at six o’clock instead of nine o’clock, I would be tripping over people. I just don’t understand, and I’d feel real silly asking if that’s just the way things are around here.


Not 100% sure where that story was going, but things just seemed a little too perfect, didn’t they?


Your Next Challenge is:


Did I really just see that?


You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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