NaNo Books in Progress

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 13 Challenge

Hi, it’s Christina –

Happy Tuesday morning folks. Can you believe this is the last day of April already? 2013 is 1/3 of the way over. I think it was George Carlin who said, life is like a roll of toilet paper, it goes quicker as it nears the end (paraphrased obviously, but you get the meaning). Where does the time go?

I will not be doing any writing today. I need to do some last minute shopping and start to pack because Thursday morning my husband and I are leaving for beautiful Williamsburg, Virginia for one of our “Why the heck did we get married?” weekends. With all the crazy hustle, bustle and demands of everyday life, it’s very easy to forget what drew you and your partner together in the first place. I think it’s important from time to time to remind yourselves, hence the “Why the heck did we get married?” weekends. Once a year or so, just the two of us escape for a few days so we can reconnect. Over 23 years married and still counting, so I guess it is working.

On to yesterday’s challenge. I wish some of you would start posting because I’m curious as to what you found on your doorstep.

You hear your doorbell ring. You go to answer, but there is no one there. You look down and find…

It’s a glorious day, the sun is shining; it’s hot but not humid, the gentle breeze creating an ideal temperature. The windows and doors are all open, the radio is blaring and I’m bopping along, singing while trying to vacuum up all the dust gorillas formed by my shaggy dog when I think I hear the doorbell ring. I turn off the vacuum, turn down the radio, corral my now barking dog and head for the front door wondering who could be there in the middle of a weekday morning. I guess getting to the door took longer than expected, because when I arrive there is no one there, no car or delivery truck pulling out of the driveway. I open the door and poke my head out, just to make sure there is no one lurking out of site, and when I step onto the stoop, I notice a beautifully wrapped box. I pick it up and read the tag. It’s for me, but who is it from? The tag does not say. It’s not my birthday, my anniversary. What could it be? Curiosity getting the better of me, I don’t even bother to go back into the house, but sit right down on the front step and gently pull the lavender ribbon loose and lift the lid.

Perhaps I should up the time to 15 minutes, this is getting frustrating. No, I will keep it to 10 and simply revisit if I feel there is really a story in the making. So how did y’all do? What was in your box? Do you too have a story brewing? (I know you're writing, but just not posting.)

Day 13 Challenge:

One of your best friends is a singer-songwriter, but she/he has writer’s block and has asked you to help write a song.

You have 10 minutes (be honest). There is no right or wrong, just write. Spelling and punctuation don’t count and NO ONE is allowed to criticize what someone else has written. Go.

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